Tourist accommodation in Sivota

A small corner of Paradise




39.407549908127, 20.237844553621


Syvota is a very small tourist town 20 minutes from Igoumenitsa. A small marina, a few taverns and a couple of seafront bars for an excellent Greek iced coffee. All around is just sea and lush vegetation.
Nature here has created wonderful and absolutely unforgettable sceneries. The sky is reflected in the crystal clear waters surrounded by the green of the typical Mediterranean scrub.
Telling the beauty of this place in words is really complicated. The charm of Syvota is not only in its landscapes, but it is a real state of mind: life passes slowly here, the breeze smells of salt and local plants. You stop thinking about anything and find that peace forgotten in the haste and daily anxieties.
Sivota in Greece is a small corner of Paradise.
For your holiday in Syvota Greece search for accommodation in apartment or studios, hotel or villa


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